Where worth eat in Gdansk?



  1. Pierogarnia Mandu

Very popular restaurant, which serves dumplings known in Poland. In Gdańsk Mandu have two branch. One of them is in Old Town center, second in district Oliwa. Price are moderate, unfortunately sometimes you must wait in long queue in order to get inside.. If you want to eat polish dumplings you have to look there. Address: ul. Kaprów 19d; ul. Elżbietańska 4/8

  1. Zafishowani

Popular restaurant in Gdańsk, located in Old town center, which serves tradition fish dishes. In menu we find fish dishes, starters, soup (fish of course) and homemade bread. The restaurant’s menu refers to modern polish cuisine. Address: ul. Tokarska 6

  1. Swojski Smak

Next restaurant is also located in Old town. In the offer of the premises we will find traditional  polish dish cuisine (e.g. slips, dumplings, pork chop, chicken soup) and vegetarian dishes (potato cakes, veggie burger). All dishes are being prepared according to the checked prescription. Address: Heweliusza 25/27

  1. Manna 68

Vegan and vegetarian restaurant located in center of Gdańsk. If you want to taste vegetables, which imitate meat , it is perfectly for you! In menu we will find wide selection of vegetarian and vegan dishes , they combine innovation and tradition. Address: Świętego Ducha 68

  1. Manekin

A very popular, restaurant known for pancakes in Gdańsk, which is located next to University of Gdańsk. Valued for friendly service , cozy decor  and prices perfect for studentJ. Address: Grunwaldzka 270


Dominika Całka Где поесть в Гданьске? Gdzie można zjeść w Gdańsku? студентка III курса Русской филологии Гданьского университета