The history of Gdansk shipyard begins in XIX century

The history of Gdansk shipyard begins in XIX century, but it became polish after II world war in 1945. It is an incredibly important place not only for citizens of Tricity but for all Poles. When we are talking about this place, one of the first events that come to our minds is December 1970. There was a riot begun by workers caused by the rise of food prices, it triggered the whole country to object to the government. One of the leaders of the uprising was subsequent president of Poland- Lech Wałęsa. The nationwide riot ended with a dramatic bilans of 40 workers killed and over a thousand wounded.

In 1980 a movement called Solidarność (solidarity) started there, their priority was to take care of the matters of working class, its leader was Lech Wałęsa, who during the same year in Stocznia Gdańska signed Gdańsk Agreement. The Shipyard has got three very characteristic spots: Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970, Monument of the victims of a fire from 1994 and a characteristic entering gate.

Shipyards’ architecture fitted into the picture of the city, especially the cranes which are perfectly visible from almost every higher point of in Gdańsk. Only this place attracts an enormous amount of tourists, that is why right next to the shipyard there has been built European Solidarity Centre and moving with the times- 100cznia.

100cznia is an entertainment place which you can find on Popiełuszki 5 street. It was established in 2017 and became very popular among young people. Thanks to a wide set of gastronomic offers and an incredible infrastructure (everything is made up of 17 cargo containers). The place offers musical events- a lot of popular DJ played there for eg. Andrzej Smolik. Additionally there are a lot of theme events like sales for eg. ecological ones “vintage fair” or musical- “vinyl for 5 zł”, you can also find social ventures like “Women build ships too” which was co-created with Gdańsk Incubator of Enterprise.

Industrial and harsh look of this place balances with omnipresent laughter and happy young people. Unfortunately the lack of rooftop makes it impossible for 100cznia to be open whole year so it starts its work from spring till autumn.




Julia Grad, Верфь, Stocznia , студентка I курса Русской филологии Гданьского университета, бакалавриат