Model-making in Gdansk

Model-making might not seem like a popular hobby, but it finds its niche in Gdansk and gets more and more popular over the years. There can be recognised realistic model-making, focusied on detailed miniatures of trains, cars, aeroplanes, tanks or ships, and gaining popularity strategical table games, such as BloodBowl, Warhammer 40K, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, or Infinity. Each of these games require teams or even whole armies made of several dozen miniatures.

One of the most popular and succesful shop for modelers in Gdansk is Modelmania, placed on the lowest level of Metropolia shopping mall. The shop runs since 2005, gaining customers thanks to wide choice of miniatures, paints, brushes and model-making accessories.

Gdansk has a large community of both players and modelers. There works an Association of Strategy Games Enthusiasts „Tri-city”, as well as a Leauge of Warhammer 40K, that actively takes part and organises tournaments not only in Tri-city, but also in all of Poland and abroad. Gdansk’s team of BloodBowl, which is a combination of rugby and american football, is one of the best in Poland.

Painters in Gdansk make an elite amogst polish miniature artists. We can proudly speak about such great painters as Szulhan or Ryba, and original dwarfs miniatures made by Ścibor from Gdansk are known all over the country.




Julia Jędraszek, Modelaarstwo w Gdańsku, Моделирование, студентка I курса Русской филологии Гданьского университета, бакалавриат