Galleries in Gdansk

  • Gdańska Galeria Miejska
    opening hours: tue-sun: 12:00-18:00
    GGM Galleries mainly focus on young (often students) and/or well-known artists. Their goal is to unite the citizens of Gdańsk and tourists. Besides exhibitions in the galleries, there also take place other activities such as: outdoor games, workshops, lectures, film shows etc.
    address: ul. Piwna 27/29
    address: ul. Powroźnicza 13/15
    Dom Chodowieckiego i Grassa
    address: ul. Sieroca 6
    address: ul. Szeroka 34/35, 36, 37, Grobla I ½


  • Kolonia Artystów
    The institution of Kolonia Artystów has existed for nearly 20 years. In the beginning it was located in the district of Gdańsk Stocznia. From 2015 onwared by S. Gałuszka and K. Smoła. Mainly young artists are exhibited there. The gallery in Aleja Grunwaldzka is also a cafe and a shop with design, cds and lps and books, sometimes the owners organize there gigs too. The gallery located in Dolne Miasto is more oriented for an art exhibitions, which you can see during the vernissage or you can call the gallery to set an appointment.
    Kolonia Artystów Wrzeszcz
    address: Aleja Grunwaldzka 51
    opening hours: mon-sat: 12:00-20:00
    Kolonia Artystów Dolne Miasto
    address: ul. Dolna 4


  • Instytut Sztuki Wyspa
    address: ul. Kempingowa 95
    Institute Wyspa had many locations, but currently it’s in Kepmingowa on Sobieszewska Island. In this institute you can participate in lectures and workshops.


  • WL4
    address: ul. Popiełuszki, Mleczny Piotr, Stocznia Cesarska
    The space of WL4 was created by Cz. Podleśny, A. Majdzińska, S. Powysocka and A. Bocek. The building of the gallery is an old bakery. The gallery is open only during events, which include: exhibitions, workshops and concerts.


  • Galeria UL
    address: ul. Św. Barbary 3
    Created in 2018 by P. T. Mosur and P. Sz. Mańczak contemporary art gallery doesn’t only focus on exhibitions but also on workshops (manual, pro-ecological, artistic), gigs and any kind of art events. To enter it, except the events, you have to make an appointment.


  • Tajna Galeria
    address: Aleja Grunwaldzka 146B
    This is a tiny art gallery, which is open very rarely and irregularly. The majority of exhibitions include visual arts and they only last a few days. Except vernissages you can only see them on appointments.


  • Sztuka Wyboru
    address: ul. J. Słowackiego 19
    opening hours: 9:00-23:00
    Sztuka Wyboru is a very multidisciplinary place. It’s a cafe and a bookshop, where you can buy Polish design and art. Obviously it’s also an art gallery, in which exhibitions are usually commercial. The gallery organises festivals, vernissages, meetings with artists, lectures, conferences and workshops.


  • Gdańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sztuki
    address: ul. Chlebnicka 2
    opening hours: tue, thru: 10:00-16:00, wed: 10:00-17:00
    Towarzystwo takes care of every discipline of art (eg. painting, literature, music, theatre). The owners help with publishing books of poems and they organize art. Competitions and discussions about literature. Additionally you can see art exhibitors in “PUNKT” gallery, which is located in the same place.


  • Galeria Społecznie Zaangażowana
    address: ul. Bliska 11A
    This open gallery has functioned from 2016. Its goal is to help people and to unite them, that’s why they mainly focus on workshops, group discussions, archival film shows and contemporary art exhibitions.

Róża Walaszczyk, Галлереи современного искусства, Galerie sztuki współczesnej, студентка I курса Русской филологии Гданьского университета,  бакалавриат