Beaches of Gdansk

Beaches of Gdansk

Gdańsk is a city famous not only for its beautiful monuments and rich history, but also for its picturesque beaches and coastal areas. Some people joke that : “they envy themselves”, because fusion of beautiful historic buildings of the city with modern infrastructure and nature in the form of the sea is amazing.

Gdańsk has about 10 kilometers of sandy beaches, most of this area is available for lovers of water sports and water siderecreation. The people of Gdansk have always been strongly associated with the sea, mainly through international trade and  fishing industry, its recreational strengths were discovered much later. Jean Georg Haffner who served in Napoleon’s great army was one of the first who become interested in the use of coastal areas. In 1808, he founded the first  bathing area in Brzeźno – then a small fishing village, now one of the districts of Gdańsk. He was also the first who start the construction of seaside spa facilities – first in Gdańsk  and then in Sopot.

Currently on the area of the city there are 8 guarded bathing areas, each of which is unique and has to offer various attractions. In summer, we can meet there many admirers of water sports – swimmers, sailors, kayakers,  surfers,  as well as lovers of sunbathing and beach volleyball. Gdańsk’s beaches are quite heavily besieged by tourists from Poland and abroad especially in the summer season, but in autumn and winter they are empty, becoming places of walking and attractive routes for runners. Regardless of the season, we can use the services of many bars and restaurants, serving mainly dishes consisting of fish originating in the Baltic Sea.

Extensive public transport in the form of a network of tram and bus lines allows interested parties to get to the chosen beach from every point of the city. The beauty of the coast of the Gulf of Gdansk through well-developed infrastructure and the benevolent nature of the local authorities is accessible to all.




Пляжи Гданьска, Plaże Gdańska

Автор: Konrad Janicki, студент I курса Русской филологии Гданьского университета, бакалавриат